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Text File | 1996-11-11 | 36.4 KB | 1,380 lines
; $Id: UpdateThor 1.4 1996/11/06 19:13:57 pettern Exp pettern $ ;************************************************************************* ; Title: ; UpdateThor ;************************************************************************* ; Description: ; Commodore Installer Script for the Thor 2.4 software ;************************************************************************* ; Authors: ; Petter Nilsen ; - intro borrowed from Robert Reiswig's CyberGfx installer ; ;************************************************************************* ; Still to do: ; - THOR.macros might not be correct. Notify user? ; - Handle previous installations with one of the env-vars/assigns ; missing. ; - Show .readme file ; - Not delete catalogs/, only the needed dirs ; ;************************************************************************* ; ;****************************************************** ;***** SET UP OUR VARIABLES AND OTHER SUCH STUFF ****** ;****************************************************** ; some useful variables (set true 1 false 0 yes true no false is_a_file 1 is_a_dir 2 quote "\"" newline "\n" tick "'" nothing "" bbspack 0 inetpack 0 #inetpackname "thor24_inet.lha" #bbspackname "thor24_bbs.lha" #arexxpackname "thor24_arexx.lha" classact 0 tcptype 0 uucptype 0 cpu (database "cpu") cpu020 (and (<> cpu "68000") (<> cpu "68010")) v39 (>= (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536) 39) #exedtbug (cat "exe.datatype is installed on this machine. This datatype has a bug " "that might caused problems in the datatype filetype recognition " "in THOR on attached files.\nWe recommend that it is removed.\n\n" "Would you like to delete it now?") ) ; set up our delete options (delopts "AskUser" "OkNoDelete" "Force") ; some useful procedures ; change userlevel to expert (procedure expert_level ( (user 2) ) ) ; reset userlevel back to default (procedure default_level ( (user default-level) ) ) ; store off userlevel (procedure save_default_level ( (set default-level @user-level) ) ) ; some overused strings (set omp (cat "One moment please..." newline)) (set #classact "\n\n\nThe following is the default Install/Update Installer\n\nProcedure for placing ClassAct on your System.") ;******************************************************************** ; ClassAct Install/Update Default Procedure by: ; Osma Ahvenlampi - Osma.Ahvenlampi@hut.fi ;******************************************************************** ; I have disabled the (complete) settings (working #classact) ; ************* PLEASE COPY THIS PROCEDURE ALONG WITH THE STRINGS IT USES ; ************* TO THE INSTALLER SCRIPT OF YOUR CLASSACT APPLICATION. ; ************* IT WILL TAKE CARE OF INSTALLING THE CLASSACT CLASSES YOU ; ************* PROVIDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION TO THE USER'S SYSTEM. ; $VER: ClassAct_Install 1.8 (12.10.96) by Osma Ahvenlampi (set cpu (database "cpu")) (set cpu020 (and (<> cpu "68000") (<> cpu "68010"))) (set v39 (>= (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536) 39)) ; percentage of the size of included ClassAct classes versus the whole ; distribution (ie. total "complete" percentage after ClassAct is installed) (set classact-complete 50) (set #classdest-prompt "Please select the directory where you want the ClassAct classes installed.\n(See help for details)") (set #classdest-help (cat "ClassAct is a GUI toolkit consisting of shared BOOPSI classes.\n\nSome programs require some or all of the ClassAct classes installed on your system. " (if v39 (cat "OS 3.0 has a standard directory for BOOPSI classes, the SYS:Classes directory. It is recommended that you install ClassAct there.") (cat "OS 2.0 does not have a standard place for disk resident BOOPSI classes. On OS 3.0 these classes are stored in the SYS:Classes directory. It is recommended that you create this directory and install ClassAct there.\nThis directory must be added in the LIBS: assign. This can be done by placing the command\nAssign >NIL: LIBS: SYS:Classes ADD\nto User-Startup. This installer will do this for you.") ) ) ) (set #classes-020 "Do you want to use the OS 3.0, 020 optimised version of ClassAct?") (set #help-020 "Some ClassAct libraries have versions optimised for use on 020 or better equipped OS 3.0 or later machines. If your Amiga is such equipped, you should install these. The 68000/2.0 versions will also work, but are slightly slower.") (set #noclasses-message "The directory you selected for your ClassAct classes is not a part of the LIBS: assign.\n\nIt is necessary to add this assign so that the classes will be found properly.") (set #creating-dir "Creating directory ") (set #usbackup-prompt "User-Startup will now be backed up.") (set #usbackup-help "This installer will next make a modification in User-Startup. Before doing this the old User-Startup will be backed up to S:User-Startup.old") (set #adding-1 "Adding ") (set #adding-2 " to LIBS: assign\n") (set #adding-help "This is necessary so that the custom classes can be found.") (set #junod-button "It seems you have a late Commodore 'V42' button.gadget installed on your system.\n\nClassAct's button.gadget is far more capable than this gadget, and we recommend that you replace it. The ClassAct button.gadget is backwards compatible to the Commodore gadget. Do you wish to back up the Commodore gadget and replace it with the ClassAct version?") (set #junod-backed "The Commodore 'V42' button.gadget has been backed up with the name button.gadget.v42.\n\nThe ClassAct button.gadget will be installed in its place.") (set #junod-kept "The Commodore 'V42' button.gadget was not replaced with the more capable ClassAct version.\n\nPrograms depending on the availability of ClassAct-only features will be likely to work wrong.") (set #caprefs-message "ClassAct has several user-configurable aspects that affect the look of ClassAct interfaces.\n\nThese settings can be changed using the ClassAct preferences tool that will be installed in yout Prefs drawer.\n\nA small tool, CAPrefs, will be added to your user-startup to load the settings on reboot.") (set #caprefs-startup-1 "Adding the command\n\n") (set #caprefs-startup-2 "\n\nTo your s:User-Startup.") (set #decompressing-classact "Compressed ClassAct distribution detected\n\nDecompressing to RAM:") (set #deleting-cltmp "Deleting temporary files") (procedure install-classact ; call this procedure to copy the classes included in the Classes directory ; in your distribution dir. (if (exists "ClassAct.lha") ; ClassAct is compressed - need to decompress first ( ; Distribution includes LHEX (working (cat #decompressing-classact)) ; ClassAct.lha contains paths/files "Classes/*", "C/CheckAssign", "Prefs/CAPrefs" and "Prefs/ClassAct" (run "lhex -aqfw=ram:ClassAct/ x ClassAct.lha") (set @classact-source "RAM:ClassAct") ) (set @classact-source (pathonly @icon)) ) (if (exists "ClassAct.lzx") ; ClassAct is compressed - need to decompress first ( ; Distribution includes UNLZX (working (cat #decompressing-classact)) ; ClassAct.lzx contains paths/files "Classes/*", "C/CheckAssign", "Prefs/CAPrefs" and "Prefs/ClassAct" (run "unlzx -amq x ClassAct.lzx ram:ClassAct/") (set @classact-source "RAM:ClassAct") ) (set @classact-source (pathonly @icon)) ) (if (exists (tackon @classact-source "Classes")) ; The archive contains a ClassAct library update. ( (set comp-dest (/ (* classact-complete 2) 10)) (set comp-libs (/ (* classact-complete 3) 10)) (set comp-dirs (/ (* classact-complete 4) 10)) (set comp-junod (/ (* classact-complete 5) 10)) (set comp-020 (/ (* classact-complete 6) 10)) (set comp-gad (/ (* classact-complete 7) 10)) (set comp-im (/ (* classact-complete 8) 10)) (set comp-prefs (/ (* classact-complete 9) 10)) ; has the user installed ClassAct in CLASSACT: ? (set @classact-dest (getassign "CLASSACT" "A")) (if (= @classact-dest "") (set @classact-dest "SYS:Classes")) ; is ClassAct already in SYS:Classes ? (if (or (not (exists (tackon @classact-dest "Gadgets/layout.gadget") (noreq))) (= @user-level 2)) ; no, ask where it should be placed (set @classact-dest (askdir (prompt #classdest-prompt) (help #classdest-help) (default @classact-dest) (newpath) ) ) ) (complete comp-dest) (if (<> (run (cat (tackon @classact-source "C/CheckAssign") " LIBS: " @classact-dest)) 0) ( (message #noclasses-message) (if (not (exists @classact-dest)) (makedir @classact-dest (prompt (cat #creating-dir @classact-dest))) ) (set @addassign (cat "Assign >NIL: LIBS: " @classact-dest " ADD\n")) (startup "CLASSACT" (command @addassign) (prompt (cat #adding-1 @classact-dest #adding-2)) (help #adding-help) ) (run (@addassign)) ) ) (complete comp-libs) (set @classact-gadgets (tackon @classact-dest "Gadgets")) (set @classact-images (tackon @classact-dest "Images")) (if (not (exists @classact-gadgets (noreq))) (makedir @classact-images (prompt (cat #creating-dir @classact-gadgets)) ) ) (if (not (exists @classact-images (noreq))) (makedir @classact-images (prompt (cat #creating-dir @classact-images)) ) ) (complete comp-dirs) (if (exists "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/button.gadget") (if (and (= 2752514 (getversion "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/button.gadget")) (= 4868 (getsize "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/button.gadget"))) (if (askbool (prompt #junod-button) (help @askbool-help) (default 1)) ( (rename "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/button.gadget" "SYS:Classes/Gadgets/button.gadget.v42") (message #junod-backed) ) (message #junod-kept) ) ) ) (complete comp-junod) (if (and (and cpu020 v39) (exists (tackon @classact-source "Classes/Gadgets/layout.gadget.020"))) (set classes-020 (askbool (prompt #classes-020) (help #help-020) (default 1))) (set classes-020 0) ) (complete comp-020) (set @source-path (tackon @classact-source "Classes/Gadgets")) (foreach @source-path "#?.gadget" ( (set thislib (tackon @source-path @each-name)) (if (and classes-020 (exists (cat thislib ".020"))) (set thislib (cat thislib ".020")) ) (copylib (source thislib) (dest @classact-gadgets) (newname @each-name) (prompt (cat #installing @each-name)) (help #classdest-help) (optional "force" "askuser") ) ) ) (complete comp-gad) (set @source-path (tackon @classact-source "Classes/Images")) (foreach @source-path "#?.image" ( (set thislib (tackon @source-path @each-name)) (if (and classes-020 (exists (cat thislib ".020"))) (set thislib (cat thislib ".020")) ) (copylib (source thislib) (dest @classact-images) (newname @each-name) (prompt (cat #installing @each-name)) (help #classdest-help) (optional "force" "askuser") ) ) ) (complete comp-im) (set @source-path (tackon @classact-source "Classes")) (foreach @source-path "#?.class" ( (set thislib (tackon @source-path @each-name)) (if (and classes-020 (exists (cat thislib ".020"))) (set thislib (cat thislib ".020")) ) (copylib (source thislib) (dest @classact-dest) (newname @each-name) (prompt (cat #installing @each-name)) (help #classdest-help) (optional "force" "askuser") ) ) ) ) ) (if (exists (tackon @classact-source "Prefs/ClassAct")) ; The archive contains ClassAct prefs tools ( (message #caprefs-message) (copylib (source (tackon @classact-source "Prefs/CAPrefs")) (dest "C:") (prompt (cat #installing "CAPrefs")) ) (copylib (source (tackon @classact-source "Prefs/ClassAct")) (dest "SYS:Prefs") (prompt (cat #installing "ClassAct Prefs")) (infos) ) (complete comp-prefs) (if (not (exists "ENVARC:ClassAct" (noreq))) ( (makedir "ENVARC:ClassAct" (prompt (cat #creating-dir "ENVARC:ClassAct")) ) (textfile (dest "ENVARC:ClassAct/ClassAct") (append "") ) ) ) (set caprefs-cmd "C:CAPrefs >NIL:\n") (startup "CAPREFS" (prompt (cat #caprefs-startup-1 caprefs-cmd #caprefs-startup-2)) (help #caprefs-message) (command caprefs-cmd) ) ) ) (if (exists "ClassAct.lha") (delete "RAM:ClassAct" (all) (prompt #deleting-cltmp) ) ) (complete classact-complete) ) ; ************** END OF CLASSACT INSTALL PROCEDURE. COPY THE BLOCK ABOVE ; ************** TO YOUR CLASSACT APPLICATION INSTALLER. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (procedure WAITX (set X 1) ( (while (< X 100) (set X (+ X 1)) ) ) ) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\n\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (working "\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (message "\n\n\nTHOR 2.4\n\n\nby\n\n\nUltima Thule Software") (WAITX) (welcome) ; first reset the user level so that the novice can see whats going on (save_default_level) (expert_level) ;Make assign to install from (makeassign "Thor_Install" "" (safe)) ;****************** ;** Check Memory ** ;****************** (run "Avail flush") (set Running (run "Thor_Install:CheckForLib")) (while (= Running 20) ((Message newline "Thor (or a related program) seems to be running, you MUST close it NOW." newline "If you don't, the installation will fail!") (run "Avail flush") (set Running (run "Thor_Install:CheckForLib"))) ) ;************************ ;** Start Installation ** ;************************ (if (exists "ENV:THOR/THORPath" (noreq)) ; Then ( (if (set Thor_Dir (getenv "THOR/THORPath")) ( (set Test_lf (substr Thor_Dir (- (strlen Thor_Dir) 1) ) ) (if (= Test_lf "\n") (set Thor_Dir (substr Thor_Dir 0 (- (strlen Thor_Dir) 1) ) ) ) (set Thor_Dir (expandpath Thor_Dir)) (makeassign "Thor" Thor_Dir (safe)) ) ; Else ( (if (exists "Thor:libs/bbsread.library" (noreq)) ( ; Then ( (set Thor_Dir (expandpath "Thor:")) ) ; Else ( (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.") (abort end_text) ) ) ) ) ) ) ; Else ( (if (exists "Thor:libs/bbsread.library" (noreq)) ; Then ( (set Thor_Dir (expandpath "Thor:")) ) ; Else ( (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.") (abort end_text) ) ) ) ) (if (exists "ENV:THOR/THORPath" (noreq)) ; Then ( (if (set BBSData_Dir (getenv "THOR/BBSDataPath")) ( (set BBSData_Dir (substr BBSData_Dir 0 (- (strlen BBSData_Dir) 1))) (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath BBSData_Dir)) (makeassign "BBSData" BBSData_Dir (safe)) ) ; Else ( (if (exists "BBSData:global.config" (noreq)) ; Then ( (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath "BBSData:")) ) ; Else ( (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.") (abort end_text) ) ) ) ) ) ; Else ( (if (exists "BBSData:global.config" (noreq)) ; Then ( (set BBSData_Dir (expandpath "BBSData:")) ) ; Else ( (set end_text "Please use the InstallThor script for a first-time installation.") (abort end_text) ) ) ) ) ;********************************************** ;** Move ARexx scripts to another directory..** ;********************************************** (if (askbool (prompt "The THOR ARexx script distribution has changed. " "The old directory with ARexx scripts can be moved " "to a Rexx_Old directory. \n\n" "Press 'Yes' to continue with backup of old ARexx scripts.") (help "The installer has determined that you may already have a " "copy of Thor installed on your system. " "ARexx files from a previous installation can be moved to " "a safe directory." ) (default 1) ) ; Then ( (makedir "THOR:Rexx_Old") (copyfiles (source "Thor:rexx") (dest "THOR:rexx_old") (all) ) (working omp "Deleting old ARexx files...") (run "Delete THOR:rexx/~(postinglists|#?.cfg|#?.adr) all") ) ) ;********************************************** ;** See if SortMail.cfg needs to be moved. **** ;********************************************** (set #move-cfg "\nThe SortMail configuration was found in ENV(ARC):Thor/SortMail.cfg.\n\nAs SortMail 3.3 requires the configuration to be in the system's directory it has now been moved to:\n\n") (set #old-cfg "\nAn old SortMail configuration was found in ENV(ARC):Thor/SortMail.cfg.\n\nThe format of the configuration files have changed in SortMail 3.0 and higher, so a new configuration will have to be created from scratch using the new CfgSortMail.thor.\n\nWhen you have reconfigured SortMail, please delete ENVARC:Thor/SortMail.cfg.") (set #chk-fail "\nFailed to run checkver.rexx!\n\nPlease check that SYS:RexxC/rx and SYS:RexxC/WaitForPort exist and make sure you have started SYS:System/RexxMast.") (if (exists "ENV:Thor/SortMail.cfg" (noreq) ) ( (set #version (run "SYS:RexxC/rx Thor_Install:checkver.rexx") ) (if (= #version 1) (message #old-cfg) ) (if (= #version 2) ( (set #sys-dir (getenv "SM_System") ) (set #move-cfg (cat #move-cfg #sys-dir) ) (message #move-cfg) (run "Delete ENV:SM_System QUIET") ) ) (if (> #version 2) (message #chk-fail) ) ) ) ;********************************************** ;** Hostile deletion of old files here.. ****** ;********************************************** (expert_level) (run "Rename THOR:THOR.info THOR:THOR.old.info") (run "Rename THOR:ConfigTHOR.info THOR:ConfigTHOR.old.info") (run "Rename THOR:ConnectTHOR.info THOR:ConnectTHOR.old.info") (run "Delete libs:bbsread.library") (run "Delete libs:bbsreadcnv2.library") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(run "Delete libs:utgui.library") (run "Delete l:bbsread-handler") (run "Delete l:bbsreadrexx-handler") (run "Delete THOR:bin/initsoup") (run "Delete THOR:bin/configuucp") ;****************** ;** Locale stuff ** ;****************** (default_level) (set catalog (askoptions (prompt "What languages would you like to install ?\n" "English is the built-in language.") (help "This will install locale files for other languages than English. " "You can set the prefered language on Workbench and in Thor by" "using the prefs:locale tool." newline @askchoice-help ) (choices "Norsk" "Dansk" "Svenska" "Deutsch" "Français" "Italiano" "Nederlands") (default 0) ) ) ; Delete previous installed catalog files. (run "delete thor:catalogs all") (makedir "thor:catalogs") (if (bitand 1 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/norsk") (dest "thor:catalogs/norsk") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 2 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/dansk") (dest "thor:catalogs/dansk") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 4 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/svenska") (dest "thor:catalogs/svenska") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 8 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/deutsch") (dest "thor:catalogs/deutsch") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 16 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/français") (dest "thor:catalogs/français") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 32 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/italiano") (dest "thor:catalogs/italiano") (all) ) ) (if (bitand 64 catalog) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:catalogs/nederlands") (dest "thor:catalogs/nederlands") (all) ) ) ;*********************************** ;***** GET FIRST DISK IN HERE ****** ;*********************************** ; first copy over the stuff (working omp "Decompressing and copying Thor files.") (run "Thor_Install:lha -a x Thor_Install:thor.lha THOR:" ) ;********************* ;** reqtools.libary ** ;********************* (copylib (prompt "Copying ReqTools library") (help "This will copy the ReqTools library." newline @copylib-help) (source "Thor_Install:reqtools.library") (dest "libs:") ) ;************************ ;** Copy the keyfile ** ;************************ (if (exists "Thor_Install:THOR.key" (noreq)) ; Then (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:THOR.key") (dest "THOR:") ) ) (run "thor:bin/InitCharsets") (expert_level) (set defpath (pathonly @icon)) (if (askbool (prompt newline "Would you like to install the optional ARexx " "scripts for THOR? " (help newline "This section of the installation is dedicated " "to installation of some optional ARexx scripts.\n\n " "Select YES if you want to continue with this " "installation, otherwise NO")) (default 1) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) (while (= 20 isthere) (set arexxfile (askfile (prompt (cat "Please select the ARexx archive for THOR 2.4\n" "(Usually named '"#arexxpackname"').\n\n" "It will be unarchived automatically.")) (help @askfile-help) (default (tackon defpath #arexxpackname)) ) ) ; verify that the file exists (if (exists arexxfile) ( (set isthere 0) (set defpath (pathonly arexxfile)) (set runfile3 (cat runfile3 "Thor_Install:lha -a x " quote arexxfile quote " Thor:rexx/")) (set failed (run runfile3)) (if (<> 0 failed) ( ((set failed_text "Unarchiving of the ARexx archive failed.") (message end_text)) ) ) ) ; else ( (if (askbool (prompt "File doesn't exist.\n\nDo you want to try again?" (default 1) (help "YES to select the correct file, or NO to continue without installing this archive.") ) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) ) ; Else ( (set isthere 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if (exists "Thor_Install:bin/parseqwk" (noreq)) ; Then ( (set bbspack 1) ) ; Else ( (if (askbool (prompt newline "Would you like to install the modules for " "QWK, Fido, Hippo, Bluewave, ABBS/MBBS and Omen " "to be used with Bulletin Board Systems?\n\n " "(you will be able to select which modules to " "install later in this installation procedure).") (help newline "This section of the installation is dedicated " "to installation of some common formats " "required if you want to use THOR with BBSes.\n\n" "Select YES if you want to continue with this " "installation, otherwise NO") (default 1) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) (while (= 20 isthere) (set bbsfile (askfile (prompt (cat "Please select the BBS archive for THOR 2.4. " "(Usually named '"#bbspackname"').\n\n" "It will be unarchived automatically.")) (help @askfile-help) (default (tackon defpath #bbspackname)) ) ) ; verify that the file exists (if (exists bbsfile) ( (set isthere 0) (set runfile (cat runfile "Thor_Install:lha -a x " quote bbsfile quote " Thor_Install:")) (set failed (run runfile)) (if (<> 0 failed) ( ((set failed_text "Unarchiving of the BBS archive failed.") (message end_text)) ) ; Else ( (set bbspack 1) ) ) ) ; else ( (if (askbool (prompt "File doesn't exist.\n\nDo you want to try again?" (default 1) (help "YES to select the correct file, or NO to continue without installing this archive.") ) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) ) ; Else ( (set isthere 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if (exists "Thor_Install:bin/gettcp" (noreq)) ; Then ( (set inetpack 1) ) ; Else ( (if (askbool (prompt newline "Would you like to install the modules for " "UUCP, SOUP, NNTP, SMTP and POP3 " "to be used with Internet?\n\n" "(you will be able to select which modules to " "install later in this installation procedure).") (help newline "This section of the installation is dedicated " "to installation of some common formats " "required if you want to use THOR with Internet.\n\n" "Select YES if you want to continue with this " "installation, otherwise NO") (default 1) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) (while (= 20 isthere) (set inetfile (askfile (prompt (cat "Please select the Internet archive for THOR 2.4\n" "(Usually named '"#inetpackname"').\n\n" "It will be unarchived automatically.")) (help @askfile-help) (default (tackon defpath #inetpackname)) ) ) ; verify that the file exists (if (exists inetfile) ( (set isthere 0) (set runfile2 (cat runfile2 "Thor_Install:lha -a x " quote inetfile quote " Thor_Install:")) (set failed (run runfile2)) (if (<> 0 failed) ( ((set failed_text "Unarchiving of the Internet archive failed.") (message end_text)) ) ; Else ( (set inetpack 1) ) ) ) ; else ( (if (askbool (prompt "File doesn't exist.\n\nDo you want to try again?" (default 1) (help "YES to select the correct file, or NO to continue without installing this archive.") ) ) ; Then ( (set isthere 20) ) ; Else ( (set isthere 0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if (= bbspack 1) ( (set bbs_type (askoptions (prompt "Please select which BBS modules " "you want to install.") (help "What system type for BBS usage that should be " "installed can be selected here." ) (choices "QWK - Normal QWK" "Fido - Normal Fidonet" "BlueWave - Normal BlueWave" "ABBS - Normal ABBS" "ABBS_QWK - ABBS with QWK support" "MBBS - Normal MBBS" "Hippo/BBBS - Normal Hippo V2 and Hippo on BBBS" "Omen - Normal Omen" ) (default -1) ) ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:scripts") (dest "THOR:scripts") (pattern "#?BBS#?") ) (if (bitand 1 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?QWK") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgqwk") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgqwk") ) ) (if (bitand 2 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?FIDO") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s") (dest "THOR:s") (pattern "cfgfido#?") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgfido") (execute "thor:s/cfgfido_export") ) ) (if (bitand 4 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?BLUE") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgblue") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgblue") ) ) (if (bitand 8 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin/packambbs") (dest "THOR:bin") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin/parsemsg") (dest "THOR:bin") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgabbs") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgabbs") ) ) (if (bitand 16 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?QWK") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgabbs_qwk") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgabbs_qwk") ) ) (if (bitand 32 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin/packambbs") (dest "THOR:bin") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin/parsemsg") (dest "THOR:bin") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgmbbs") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgmbbs") ) ) (if (bitand 64 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?hippo") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfghippo") (dest "THOR:s") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgbbbs") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfghippo") (execute "thor:s/cfgbbbs") ) ) (if (bitand 128 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?omen") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgomen") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgomen") ) ) ) ) (if (= inetpack 1) ( (set bbs_type (askoptions (prompt "Please select which Internet modules " "you want to install.") (help "What system type for Internet usage that should be " "installed can be selected here." ) (choices "TCP/TCP_ONLINE - POP3, SMTP and NNTP" "SOUP/UQWK_SOUP - Normal SOUP and SOUP w/uqwk" "UUCP - Normal UUCP" ) (default -1) ) ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:libs/utnet.library") (dest "THOR:libs") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin/InitRFC") (dest "THOR:bin") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:scripts") (dest "THOR:scripts") (pattern "#?UQWK#?") ) (if (bitand 1 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?(UUCP|TCP)") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:") (dest "THOR:") (pattern "ConnectTHOR#?") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgtcp") (dest "THOR:s") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfgtcp_online") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfgtcp") (execute "thor:s/cfgtcp_online") (set classact 1) (set tcptype 1) ) ) (if (bitand 2 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?SOUP") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s") (dest "THOR:s") (pattern "#?soup") ) (makedir "THOR:unix") (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:unix") (dest "THOR:unix") (all) ) (execute "thor:s/cfguqwk_soup") (execute "thor:s/cfgsoup") ) ) (if (bitand 4 bbs_type) ( (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:bin") (dest "THOR:bin") (pattern "#?UUCP") ) (copyfiles (source "Thor_Install:s/cfguucp") (dest "THOR:s") ) (execute "thor:s/cfguucp") (set uucptype 1) ) ) ) ) (if (= classact 1) ( (install-classact) ) ) (if (exists "sys:classes/datatypes/exe.datatype" (noreq)) (if (delete "sys:classes/datatypes/exe.datatype" (prompt #exedtbug) (help "The installer has found exe.datatype installed." "Select YES if you want it delete it, otherwise NO") (optional "force" "askuser" "infos") ) ) ; Then ( (delete "devs:datatypes/exe" (optional "force" "infos")) ) ) ;***************************** ;****** Install icons ******** ;***************************** (set icon (askchoice (prompt "Please select what icon-set to install with THOR.\n") (help "If you use MagicWB on your Workbench, " "you might want to install the special MagicWB icons.\n\n" "Likewise, if you use NewIcons on your Workbench, " "you might want to install the special NewIcons icons.") (choices "Normal icons" "MagicWB icons" "NewIcons icons") (default 0) ) ) (if (= icon 1) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons") (dest "Thor:") (pattern "~(THOR.guide.info)") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "THOR.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "ConfigTHOR.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "ARexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "BBSReadRexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "THOR_Rexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying MagicWB icon files") (source "Thor_Install:MWBIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "Installation.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) ) ) (if (= icon 2) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons") (dest "Thor:") (pattern "~(THOR.guide.info)") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "THOR.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "ConfigTHOR.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "ARexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "BBSReadRexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "THOR_Rexx.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying NewIcons icon files") (source "Thor_Install:NewIcons/THOR.guide.info") (dest "Thor:Docs") (newname "Installation.guide.info") (noposition) (nogauge) ) ) ) (if (exists "env:sys/def_drawer.info" (noreq)) (copyfiles (prompt "Copying default drawer icon") (help "This will copy the default drawer icon." newline @copyfiles-help) (source "env:sys/def_drawer.info") (dest "Thor:") (newname "Docs.info") (noposition) (infos) ) ) ;***************************** ;***** WE ARE ALMOST DONE **** ;***************************** ; make sure that default-dir is pointing to the right place (set @default-dest Thor_Dir) ; final message for our viewers (set end_text (cat "Hope you like THOR! Don't hesitate to " "send us comments, bugreports and suggestions.")) (makeassign "Thor_Install") (makeassign "BBSData") (makeassign "Thor_Disk" (safe)) (if (= V3_Update yes) ( (makeassign "BBSData") ) ) ; now for the exit (exit end_text)